Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving in the MTC


hahaha. Sounds like you had a Thanksgiving. I had a pretty good one myself, there was a morningside with Elder Jeffrey R. Holland! It was super good. That makes three apostles so far here at the MTC. I have found though, that just because they are apostles doesn't mean they will answer all the questions I have in mind. I have found that some of the best personal things for me, are not always from apostles, I do learn a lot, but sometimes more from others. I have learned that it doesn't really matter who it is, as long as you are listening to them, and the spirit, you have the opportunity to learn. I love receiving whisperings of the spirit. It is a huge testament to me of the power of the Holy Ghost. I might suggest the first general conference talk in the ensign, I am almost done reading the whole thing, and that has been so far, my favorite.

Its a bummer that Casey doesn't have eagle eye vision like myself (hahaha) but he is the one that has shot a deer... I might suggest to Casey that in addition to wrestling practice, he should run and do workouts like pull ups, push-ups, and workouts without weights. Some really good wrestlers here no of good wrestlers that weren't strong enough to finish moves, greater strength will really help his game i believe.

I don't know anything about my visa. I had it already before I came here. I don't know if it is good or not.

Exciting news! I got my Russian name tags yesterday! It is spelled (OO-AI-T) they don't have a W. so it was either a V sound, or an OO sound. It kinda of tricks them into saying the w sound, and it sounds pretty nifty. So I chose it that way.

I'm at 21 days. I leave the 22nd. Its pretty nuts, I have already started Spreak Your Language 100 % of the time. It is difficult. My roommate elder Waite is fine now, quarantine he said was not that bad. I am getting a cough but it is not that bad I don't think, I can't imagine it evolving into anything nasty.

I have looked high and low for the card. No bueno. I am almost positive I sent it.

I love you!

Blake Wight

p.s. please don't send anymore m&ms I have only eaten five pieces of the two bags you sent at Halloween. Pretty much anything else would be nice though.

p.p.s. I was gonna ask for you to send something but I forgot. It'll probably be in the snail mail I send.